Superbowl parties & Birth Planning, Baby

On SNL last weekend, the cold open featured a parody of NFL commentators lamenting that the season is over after the Championship, since the “Super Bowl is for commercials and Usher, and for people who never watch football asking how many points a touchdown is worth”. I mean, wild chips and dips, ostentatious musical performances, and a new Allstate Mayhem commercial? I’m in.

It made me think about birth, as most things do. As a doula and a mother, I am entrenched in the spaces and places that parents connect, both online and in person. Some couples are subscribed to every parenting podcast, have signed on for a medley of classes, watched every documentary about birth. They have a well researched birth plan. 

But I will occasionally, and with more regularity, see a comment like “No classes here. We’re winging it!” On the other side of birth, these pioneers pop back up to say more. To commend the nurses, to talk about the surprises, to share their disappointment and triumph. They learned, in the moment, how their bodies were built for birth. They don’t need to know everything about birth, bodies, breathing or parenting. They’re making it up as they go. 

So, do you need a birth plan to have the best birth for you? Is it helpful to know the rules of the game, before the big day arrives? When we consider preparation for birth, we like to talk about preferences rather than plans. We look at the menu for your chosen birth center and provider. We talk about possibilities. We explore how you’ve met and conquered challenges in your past. Once we’re done, you can decide if you want to share with your doctor or hospital, or just keep it between you and your partner. It will ensure that you’re both on the same page. 

If none of that resonates with you, tuning in for the commercials and Usher is exactly right. No NFL scores needed.


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