A Few of Our Favourite Things

It can be overwhelming to shop for a new baby and there can be pressure to score a deal, especially when you’ve got a “Need for Baby” list a mile long. The truth is that your baby's needs are pretty basic. Babies usually come to us hardy and with few genuine needs.

But, if you’re wondering what some of your doula’s favorite items are for ease through pregnancy and early postpartum, we’ve curated a list of our most recommended things.

SLEEEEEEEEP, little one:

  • There are a lot of options out there for white noise machines, but this one is our favorite because it's tried and true. It creates a steady sound through a fan rather than an electronic element that plays and then repeats. This means there is a consistent tone and that is comforting to the resting brain. There's a reason it's outside of most massage therapist's door - it’s got longevity!

  • You can carry this gentle light from room to room as you labour or place it beside your changing table for muted nighttime costume changes. Such a delight!

  • A bassinet is a great item to have in the early months. It's a benefit to have a safe sleep space right near the bed so you can tackle the wake ups with ease (on the nights that your doula isn't there with you). This one is a great option because of the ample storage below.

  • Okay, this is a cheat - because our favorite swaddle is not on Amazon! You have to jump right over to Swaddelini.com to pick up one of these beauties (use code MaineDoulas20 for 20% off). The name rings true - we've never had a baby escape from this silky bamboo dream of a tube sock.

  • We love this video monitor for its adaptability. It's the one we bring with us for sleep coaching visits. Easy to travel with, sets up almost anywhere, and delivers quality picture and sound.

  • We're not playing favorites, so find a brand that works for you, but these waterproof pads have so many uses from pregnancy to toddlerhood. Whether under your sheets when your water breaks, on your couch cushion during a changing session, for diaper-free-bum-rash-curing tummy time, allowing an effortless recovery from postpartum nightsweats, or on top of your potty-training toddler's sheet - trust us, you'll be glad you pop these in your cart!

  • Can't keep your eyes open because your baby is boycotting sleep? This audiobook will amuse and inform you!


  • One thing we often chat about with parents who choose to nurse is sore or damaged nipples. We do a lot of problem solving around that with lactation support, but these silver cups can be a major player in avoiding discomfort or healing nipple injury. Silver is antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory. Sounds woo, but clinically proven. And when you're done with nursing, you can have them recycled into a pendant!

  • While we're on the subject, these pads, which can be used hot or cold, bring comfort and relief to common breastfeeding sensations and challenges. Great to have on hand after we've had a late night chat about how hard your newly engorged breasts are feeling!

  • And when you do feel like there's more milk in there than any one baby could possibly eat, Haakaa will be a dear friend. An easy way to express milk or give your breast a healing epsom soak, you're going to find this a big help.

  • If you're choosing to bottle feed, a bottle warmer can be a huge helper (there's even a version that fits two bottles if you bring home two new roommates at once).

  • No matter how you're choosing to feed, you are going to want some burp cloths and, trust us, you are going to want that cloth to stretch as far down your back as possible!

  • Don’t forget your own snacks to tuck next to all the places you sit to feed your baby through the day and night!


  • Frida really has their stuff down when it comes to products for new mothers and their babies. Their postpartum kits are great, but we especially love this collection of baby care items. You may not be ready to suck out your baby's boogers, but it will fascinate you nonetheless. And the baby nail clippers are the best we've seen for nervous parents.

  • We're not going to lie - this item can feel creepy AF, but the loud and soothing sounds of the shushing do wonders for babies who need a little extra reassurance that all is well on this side of the womb.

  • No need to get fancy with your yoga ball, as long as you get one! There are a million to choose from; just be sure that you get a size that enables your hips to rest above your knees while sitting. This is a necessity for comfortable sitting at the end of pregnancy and will be your dearest treasure with a newborn baby.

  • With endless options in what feels like an endless length of fabric, this is the wrap we always reach for. Why? The fabric has just the right amount of stretchiness while being soft and sturdy.

  • Paranoid about cutting your baby’s nails? We feel you. This is a great, safe solution.


  • We may be biased (because we've seen so many extraordinary births with families who have learned these techniques), but we love the philosophy and tools in this classic childbirth book as well as this one.

  • When the memory of that sushi you ate before you knew you were 6 weeks pregnant still keeps you up at night, you may be soothed by the straightforward and reassuring presentation of all things pregnancy and birth in this bestseller.

  • Your doula keeps reminding you that the early postpartum is all about your rest and recovery. What the heck does that mean? This book gives a gorgeously designed insight into those first weeks with a new baby.

    What did we miss? What were your must-haves? Email us or find us on social media to let us know.


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