Impossible Pi(e)

Pi day is upon us and our feeds are stacked with pies (what does this say about our algorithm? No comment)

While no one needs an excuse to bake a pie, it can be time consuming and often hard to muster the energy. We’re sharing one of our favourite pies, which happens to be nearly effortless to prepare. It could make for a relaxed afternoon activity with a toddler or older child alike.


1/4 c butter

4 eggs

3/4 c white sugar, coconut sugar, or maple sugar

1 pinch salt

2 c milk, heavy cream or buttermilk

2 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 c all-purpose flour



9” pie plate

Butter or the like for coating the pie plate

  1. Put all the ingredients into a blender and mix on high for 30 seconds

  2. Prepare the pie plate with butter, cooking spray, etc

  3. Pour the mixture into the pie plate

  4. Sprinkle the top with nutmeg

  5. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes

The flour will form a crust as it bakes and the result is a smooth, custard like pie. Serving it with berries would be a perfect compliment. Let us know how yours turned out and if you added anything to make it your own!


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